make money from other people..
Help me to help abandoned animals.Only if you have HEART.., pub-0383258808248401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
He is beautiful and handsome. But sometime a little bit scary to sound. But very close to my monkey (baby key). shakirentih is male cat. The one I found injured at stomach area. There have small hole at his stomuch.maby get bite by dog or someone doing it. Who knows?
My monkey ( Babykey ) shedule when arrive at bukit bintang is .play alone while i prepare everything about cats. always she never disturb me ,after done i will put cloth on her , let her paly around for are while maby 10 minute , after that she will drink are box of dutchlady fullcream milk .after finish her eye starting fill asleep.and she will sleep around one hour on me.
Sometime helping me look for flies at my cats hehehe
To make animals trust human are the hardest job to do. Human you can tell them sweet story, bagged them and their are so easy to trust you. But to make animals trust you is not easy. Mostly wild animals. Because animals know human attitude. Cannot be trusted. Human can change. They cannot loyal to anything. Everyone have experience what I say. Me I learn from the past,